Susan Thomas
I welcome ways to generate grant funding for international expenses and footwork indeed! I know I have personally donated to the cause because I so believe in the roots of this educational vehicle for language AND cultural skills. It's so viable and important on fundamental principles! I love finding the human element that makes us all alike in basic needs and desires from life. And, the cultural differences are rich and wonderful to behold! Tai Chi with John in China was a beautiful example of us learning from each other in profound ways that change our lives for the better of "ALL"We are an "Alliance Liaison for Language" indeed! Or American Liaison of Language.
Yours truly,
Chrys Verner
Character Champions changes the paradigm from simply understanding personalities to finding ways to utilize that understanding for self-improvement, along with promoting better interaction with others. It answers the question, "Now that I know about colors, how can/does that change anything?" No other program goes the next step beyond “I get it” like the Character Champions Program.
When I first learned about the Character Champions Framework, I knew I wanted to make
it a school-wide program, and I did! The results were incredible. Discipline improved,
relationships became closer, and we had fun using the program. I am grateful to Dr.
Ketterman for bringing Character Champions to my school. This is a great program for kids
and adults who want to build character and become better citizens. It builds the foundation
for creating bully-free schools by making your school a school where everyone acts like
Character Champions and kindness becomes the norm. I became the principal of a new
school and I took Character Champions with me. It works in any kind of school with soaring
---Jeri Mullen Retired Elementary School Principal
The Character Champions Framework is one of the most innovative and exciting that
I have seen in the last thirty years.
---Barbara Falconer, Retired Director of Pupil Services/Alternative Education Principal
Character Champions is a beautiful and colorful work of art with a powerful message to
youth. Soaring with one’s own unique strengths while accepting differences in others is an
important lesson for kids to learn early in life. It is a gift that will keep on giving for a
---Carolyn Kalil Best Selling Author of Follow Your True Colors to the Work You Love.
Character Champions provided me with tools to use with my students, to create unique and
timely lessons, to understand and improve the classroom atmosphere and to communicate
with parents as an advocate for their student. Taking the Ketterman Temperament Inventory,
the students gained quick insight into self and others, improving self-awareness as well as
knowing about character development to write an indepth analysis of personalities in their
stories, fiction (across the genres), poetry, drama, screenwriting, autobiographies, and
more. With new understanding about human behavior, the students wrote inspirational
stories for elementary students as a Character Champions service learning project.
---Lucy Aiken High School Creative Writing Teacher